Creativity - Externalizing the Internal Stuff

“You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”
― Jon Kabat-Zinn

Get the Crap Out! That is what we oh so graciously call it in our workshops.  Shrek had it right: Better Out than In!Sometimes shedding light on the negative stuff and the obstacles is difficult, but it's always better to look at it and deal with it rather than pretend it's not there.The exercise is from Week Three, Day Two of my book, This Way Up.Deb and I talk about the process in this video.  I'd love to hear your feedback, not only of the video, but also of the process if you have tried it yourself. [embed][/embed]I would really love to hear you thoughts on this process.  And as always thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.


Visualization on Goals


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