Quick Scan on Health
Do you listen to your body? Most of us don't, I know I often don't. I push myself to do one more thing when my body is sagging or to run one more errand before I stop to eat. But more importantly, do you listen and work on healing at a deep level.Science has proven time and again that we can heal ourselves, but sometimes it takes focus and effort. For the most part, the body naturally heals itself. Dr. Lorraine Day wrote an excellent article about our body's amazing ability to heal itself.Deepak Chopra has a wonderful article about self-healing on Oprah.com. Deepak Chopra has been a great proponent of self-healing for decades. In the article Chopra advises:
Is there a way for each person to influence his body consciously? We do this all the time, of course. You can't lift a finger, throw a baseball or drive a car without translating a mental intention into a physical response. But when it comes to disease symptoms, the mind-body connection feels weak or nonexistent. Every sick person wants to get well. How can the mind help?There are four conditions that would insure a stronger mind-body connection during illness, and all are inter-connected:
- The mind contributes to getting well.
- The mind doesn't contribute to getting sick.
- The body is in constant communication with the mind.
- This communication benefits both the physical and mental aspects of being well.
I believe there is a way to stay in a healthier state by using what I call The Quick Scan for Health. I discuss this in my book: This Way Up: Seven Tools for Unleashing Your Creative Self and Transforming Your Life. I have also made a video modeling this exercise. To be honest, I feel very vulnerable and exposed putting this on video, it is something I use daily, but only when I'm alone! So putting it out there in such a public way is rather intimidating. But I believe in it, and people have asked for help doing the exercises in the book, so here it is. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_ZPaPV8jbA[/embed] I would really love to hear how this was for you and if you have any comments about it. And as always thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.