What is the solution? . . . We can Love.
“What can we do in the face of all this madness and chaos?What is the solution? . . . We can Love”- Prince Ea
My son Devin showed me this video tonight and I had to post it immediately, to share it with as many people as possible.Prince Ea - where did you come from? You are my new hero!In this powerful video Prince Ea declares that the average person watches 5 hours of TV a day - tuning out, not paying attention. Instead of tuning out though, he has a suggestion:We can perform an act of kindness because that is contageous. We can be mindful during every interaction, planting seeds of goodness, showing a little more compassion.
Instead of trying to change others, We can change ourselves.Once we truly love, we will meet anger with sympathy; hatred with compassion; cruelty with kindness.Love is the most powerful weapon on Earth.
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itvnQ2QB4yc[/embed] I’d love to hear what you thought of this video. Please share it with people. Such a powerful message.And as always, thank you for taking the time to visit. I appreciate it.