What is 'Wrong'
“Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it."- Leo Tolstoy
When I watch the news or read the paper, I think I can be forgiven for becoming somewhat distraught. The world is in such a fragile, sad place at the moment. And after discussing this with my sister Karin, we both agreed that being "sensitive" women, open to the energy of the world around us, can be heart-breaking. What are we doing to this planet? What are we doing to one another? Why is this happening?And going a step further, what can we do about it? On a large scale, it feels as though one small, insignificant person can do very little. It all feels too big. But that feels 'wrong' - I have to do something, even on a small scale. One thing that may not seem significant on the bigger scale, but I feel is very significant, is too keep "cleaning up my side of the street." To stay clear and communicate through my own trials and tribulations to come out the other side. I had a confrontation with a good friend. It felt awkward and hard and it brought up a lot of old stuff for me, old childhood shame and feelings of being 'wrong' and bad. My immediate instinct was to lash out at her, but I knew after years of therapy and my own work, that that was 'wrong'. So luckily, this friend has also done a lot of her own work, so we talked, we communicated through it. It was not easy or comfortable or fun, but it worked. We worked through it, dug below the incident to what it brought up, in both of us, and got through it. I still have some work to do around my own behaviour, but the communication through the difficulty, shattered the small prison of shame that I was sitting in.This one small incident may not seem significant, and maybe it's not, in the big picture. But it was huge for me for a couple of days. And no I'm not saying that if we could all communicate better then everything would be peachy keen, but on a smaller scale, if people communicated better with each other, and were willing to be real with one another, I think the world would be in a lot healthier state. But then again, I always have been accused of being a Pollyanna.The short clip I want to close with may not seem to fit with this post, but I feel like it does, and I really liked it. A short TED talk about Philosophy in Prison. I enjoyed the construct of 'wrong' - and more importantly it reminded me of my son Lukas who is studying PPE (Philosopy, Politics and Economics) and who has been away in Edinburgh studying for the past 10 months, and I miss him terribly. So when I saw this clip, and I thought of Lukas, I smiled. So I wanted to include it here. After all in this very small universe that is my blog, I get to make the rules!
"The great thing about being the only species that makes a distinction between right and wrong is that we can make up the rules for ourselves as we go along.”― Douglas Adams
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMXFiYhm79g[/embed] I’d love to hear from you about how you handle 'wrong' in your life. And as always, thank you for taking the time to visit. I appreciate it.