Deepak Chopra's Suggestions for Good Health
“If you consciously let your body take care of you, it will become your greatest ally and trusted partner.”– Deepak Chopra

According to Chopra's new book, The Healing Self, 95% our health is under our control, and he explains that most disease is reversible. His 6 secrets to a healthier life and better health are really simple and something we can all start doing now!#6 - Connect to Earth and to NatureImmerse yourself in nature, go for long walks in trees. And he explains that the best way to connect is by walking barefoot outside. Take a walk on the beach barefoot whenever possible. You now have permission to indulge - it's good for you!#5 - NutritionIt's pretty simple, eat fresh and organic wherever possible.#4 - Watch your Emotions and RelationshipsNegative emotions and relationships can cause illness and disease. Whereas positive relationships and feeling positive emotions help to create health and can actually reduce inflammation naturally. And it's been proven that loneliness can harm your health. So find positive relationships and nurture them.#3 - Movement and YogaWalking, especially barefoot, is good, but he explains that doing yoga is the best movement for the brain to help in healing your body and in staying healthy.#2 - Meditate and Manage Your Stress LevelsMeditation not only helps to reduce stress, it has been shown time and again to help you heal.#1 - Get Good SleepAnd finally, the number one thing that will help you to heal and to stay healthy is a good night's sleep. Chopra suggests 7 - 8 hours a night is best. This is the absolute best way to heal and to stay healthy.Arianna Huffington has been saying this for years as well and has written several books about it, including The Sleep Revolution.This is all within our own control, we can be healthier. So I make a commitment to watch my language about my health and start paying close attention to Deepak Chopra's 6 secrets to health.In closing, appropriately here is a video by Chopra called Only You Can Heal Yourself.[embed][/embed]