Books on the Subway

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

– Dr. Seuss 


Such gratitude to Books on The Subway! They are an amazing organization:

It’s like a public library, but on the New York Subway.We go out and leave some of our favorite books on the New York subway. There are new books every day, and they're there to be taken, read, shared, and most importantly, enjoyed! We want everyone to get involved and fall in love with reading again and we want to make the subway a more friendly and enjoyable experience.So, if you find a book from us on the subway, feel free to pick it up and take it home with you, but when you’re done, be sure to put it back on the subway for someone else to enjoy.

Thank you for featuring This Way Up this month! I love the image in my mind of women on the subway reading my book.            

"Sometimes, the only way forward is up! Women spend so much of life nurturing & giving to others that when they find themselves alone they often struggle with feeling purposeless.  is a way out of this sense of loss & into a life filled w enthusiasm, creativity, and joy!"

Books on the Subway supports authors and readers by distributing donated books to people who ride the subway. And they support authors by putting the books on Twitter and Instagram.It doesn't matter if you read for success, like these 'Ultra Successful People' . . .Here are just a few top business leaders and entrepreneurs who make reading a major part of their daily lifestyle:

. . . or if you are reading to unwind . . . we all know about the importance of reading.  So if you happen to be riding the NYC subway in the near future, pick up a book distributed by Books on the Subway.  And if it happens to be This Way Up -  please snap a pic and send it to me.  I'd love that!Fittingly, I'd like to close this post with a short video entitled: The Importance of Reading. [embed][/embed]

What books are you reading right now? And if you live in New York,  please do let me know if you see This Way Up on the subway!
And as always, thank you for taking the time to visit.  I appreciate it.



Is Love All You Need?


Living Intentionally in 2018