"Letting go helps us to to live in a more peaceful state of mind and helps restore our balance. It allows others to be responsible for themselves and for us to take our hands off situations that do not belong to us. This frees us from unnecessary stress."
― Melody Beattie

Melody Beattie has been such an important role model for me and countless others that deal with addiction and co-dependence.She has a great page on Facebook with daily meditations. Today's meditation struck me because I'm an avid journaller, I talk about that a lot here and in my book, This Way Up. In Beattie's post, she talks about 'Saving Your Life' through journalling, such a great double entendre.  I know that journalling has saved my life, or at least my sanity, on more than one occasion.  Not to mention, I am saving my life, though words, a snapshop of my experience daily.Beattie discusses why journalling is important to her:
Are you saving your life by writing about it in a journal?Sometimes I use a file in my computer for my journal. If I’m rambling, ranting, or raving—writing something that could embarrass me if seen—I lock the file with a code. My words in my journal, whether it’s in a computer or a green Italian notebook, are meant only for me.There are many ways to write in a journal. We can go on and on about whatever comes to us. That’s helpful, especially if we’re stuck. We can use our journal as a record, writing down what we did that day. It’s a good place to write our goals and to explore our fantasies and dreams.We can write poems or short stories. We can write letters to God or our Guardian Angel, asking for advice. Or we can just say what happened each day, and then write how it feels.People may think there’s a right and wrong way to write in a journal, but I don’t agree. There aren’t any rules about journals. It’s just a way to record and save our lives.Do you think your life is worth saving? I do. If you’ve been neglecting to do that, ask yourself “why?”God, help me be aware of and respect the details of my life.Activity: Transfer your goal list to a journal, and begin writing your responses to the meditations and the activities as part of your journal entry for each day. Use your journal as a logbook, to record what you’re doing and whom you’re doing it with as you pursue your dreams. Or use it as a way of exploring how you feel, who you are, and what you want to do. Save your life in whatever way makes sense to you.

Such a great reminder to me, and I hope to you too, to journal today and everyday if possible.I want to close with a video of Beattie discussing Addiction and Codependency.  I love her messages, they really hit home.  This vid is part 1 of 3; if you find it useful or interesting, I hope you take the time to watch all 3. Such valuable information on the subject. 

[embed]http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdhJ1N3dn7M&list=PLcjeTf4MN3ZdhTHjdy3VfioODWWpHxqqS[/embed] I’d love to hear about why you journal and how it helps you; and would love your thoughts of the video. And as always thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.   


Light wins over darkness - and the light is Love


Using Creative Visualization to Achieve Results