“Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers,but to be fearless in facing them.

– Rabindranath Tagore

The importance of love - and remember to love yourself first;  Live life fearlessly; and remember love keeps you safer than fear does. What wonderful messages.I have been preparing for my book launch, so sending out short writing pieces about finding purpose after feeling purposeless; about empty nest and other major life transitions; and a lot about the Seven Tools from my book, This Way Up as I get closer to my book launch date (pssst it's on April 26th if you didn't know!  You can order it now on Amazon)I talk about the concept of finding purpose, about love being stronger than fear and about living fearlessly to just about anyone who will listen.  So I was quite thrilled when my friend Jayne sent me the link to a TED Talk called Dying to be me by Anita Moorjani.  Anita went into a coma and almost died - and now thanks the cancer which riddled her body for saving her life.  Moorjani states it was that near death experience which taught her the meaning of life.  Moojani explains that what we focus on, what we pay attention to is what our life reflects.She states that the five main lessons she learned from that experience are:
  1. The main thing we should be focusing on is Love.  And it is vital to love ourselves first.
  2. Live Life Fearlessly (and remember love keeps you much safer than fear does!)
  3. Focus on humor, laughter and joy
  4. Life is a gift.  Live each day as a gift.
  5. Always be yourself. Be the best You that You can be.

I think this TED talk is amazingly inspiring.  Thank you Jayne for sending me the link - and thank you all for watching it.  I hope it inspires you as much as it inspired me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhcJNJbRJ6U I’d love to hear about ways that you life fearlessly.  And as always, thanks for taking the time to visit, I appreciate it. 


Holy Curiosity!


Giving Voice to Your Courage