Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy― Marcel Proust

I am so incredibly grateful to my son Lukas! He makes me very happy.It's an exciting time.  I saw/heard a message when I was meditating 2 days ago:
Envision what you want, do what needs to be done to set it up and step into the life you've created.

That's exactly what it feels like I am doing at the moment. Now that my book is written, I am getting it out there. Lukas has built a beautiful website; I've had business cards made with the website and new email address; I'm setting up speaking and book events and I'm stepping into the life I've created.Suffice it to say that at 58 (my birthday was yesterday!), building a brand new website, although not completely impossible for me, would be way way beyond my skill set.  As a matter of fact, most of the stuff going on in my life is way outside my comfort zone; I'm on a steep learning curve!Please take some time and visit the new website; it's crisp and clean and colorful and creative. It's called:This Way Up Book (www.thiswayupbook.com)I'd love to hear what you think of it. You can comment on it here or on that website's comment page.  I'll be keeping workshops and events for the book updated there. So visit often!I'll close with a wonderful video about gratitude - because I'm sure feeling grateful today!

Discover the three keys of gratitude to unlock your happiest life!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewi0qlqrshE]


Jumping Outside Your Comfort Zone


Pursuing the good life in 2016