So much Gratitude this Thanksgiving!

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.[Thanksgiving Day Proclamation, 1963]
― John F. Kennedy

Gratitude for all we have, today and everyday!And today, the day before Thanksgiving, I have a extra dose of gratitude.  My ARCs (Advanced Reading Copies) arrived at my door today.  Oh my God - to hold my book in my hand! The experience is unbelievable.  I am overwhelmed.

Come on over and take a peek!I'll close, fittingly, with a wonderful video about gratitude. Enjoy this clip about The Three Keys of Gratitude.I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thank you for making me a part of your day. [embed][/embed] Please do stop by and take a look at my book. And as always thank you for stopping by, I appreciate it.  


Risk Curiosity!


Be gallant, be great, be gracious and be grateful