Your Brain on Meditation Again
“To meditate with mindful breathing is to bring body and mind back to the present moment so that you do not miss your appointment with life.”
- Thích Nhất Hạnh
I love how the universe works! After posting my last post, Your Brain on Meditation, I vowed to meditate everyday for at least 10 minutes a day through the month of March. Less than 15 minutes later I randomly found this amazing site:
Find out how to meditate, feel happier, sleep better and beat stress. It's as easy as signing up, sitting down, and pressing play. Then just sit back and relax as Andy guides you through a simple process making it easy to learn how to meditate. Research has shown that brain activity begins to change within just a few days of learning to meditate decreasing stress and improving your mood. Log in online or through Headspace-on-the-go App and get your Headspace how you like it - anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
So I downloaded this app onto my phone, and Voila, it not only reminds me to meditate for 10 minutes everyday, but it leads me through a slow, relaxing exercise using my breath. And it's Andy Puddicombe leading the meditation - he has a lovely voice.
Wow! Just like that. Ask and it is given. I love it. But I have to remember to Pay Attention. As I mention in the 7 Tools - I can send out the information I want to attract to me, but I have to be open and remember to pay attention to the inspiration and information that comes back to me. And it often comes back in very random ways.
Headspace is a great site and a great app. Do try it - it's free and it's incredibly helpful if you're looking for ways to be more mindful.
I'll close with Andy Puddicombe explaining Headspace on another very cool site called Do Lectures.
Let me know what you think of Headspace, and thank you for taking the time to stop by, I appreciate it.