”Our lives are not our own.  We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness we birth our future."

- David Mitchell (Cloud Atas)

I watched an amazing movie last night with my sons, Lukas and Devin.  The movie is called Cloud Atlas - if you get a chance, it is well worth watching.  It's a long, ambitious film - it has to be - since it's based on the tome by David Mitchell.  Check out the trailer, even that is pretty epic!  At times it is confusing, but the main point comes through loud and clear - as our lives intersect, karma prevails, and one way or another our kindnesses or our cruelty come back to us. It is a bold and creative book/movie about karma, unity and connection.I love the concept to Pay it Forward (another wonderful movie if you haven't already seen it.) Practicing random acts of kindness makes such perfect sense to me. And even if we really don't reincarnate, and even if karma does not prevail, paying it forward and being kind just feels good.  So how about we all just Be Kind Now! And with that in mind, I want to close with a wonderful video clip about paying it forward.  Enjoy![youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc8ZbVcdHpg]I’d love to hear any stories of how you've experienced kindness being paid forward.  And as always, thank you for stopping by, I appreciate it.


Why are happy people happy?


If you cannot see anything beautiful about yourself - get a better mirror . . .