"Whatever Can Go Right, Will Go Right, and at the Perfect Time."

- Clark's Law  (The Clark Sisters - Karin and Patti)

Home again.  So happy to be home.  Feeling grateful for my home and my life.So many wonderful stories about Borneo and Bali which will no doubt feature in my posts for months to come.  But today, I want to write my first post of 2013 about Clark's Law:Whatever Can Go Right, Will Go Right, and at the Perfect Time.My sister Karin and I coined this Law (thus Clark's Law!) on the way to the airport as she and my niece Chelsea were leaving Borneo.  We had just had an amazing 3 days, where everything that could go right, did.  We saw majestic orangutans (after being told we probably wouldn't see them as it was durian season and they would be out in the jungle and not interested in coming to feed at The Semenggoh Wildlife Centre.)  We hiked and saw beautiful caves and waterfalls, and had a fabulous day at Bako seeing troups of proboscus monkeys, even though it was rainy season and many people told us we would probably get rained out from most of these adventures.  But everything just kept going right!This was after ten magically wonderful days in Bali!  Ten Days of feeling the spirit and peace that is Bali. Staying at lovely hotels, swimming in luxurious pools, eating delicious food and meeting wonderful people.  Having fun with my sister, and my niece and my son - laughing, exploring, playing cards, enjoying our time together. Not to mention our magnificent massage and facials at De Nyuh Spa.  Bliss!On the way to the airport, Karin and I marvelled at our good fortune, feeling incredibly blessed and grateful.  And we both commented that 2013 felt like it was already tremendously positive and powerful.  We had set clear intentions of what we wanted from our trip together and everything aligned into place perfectly.2013 feels like it is going to be an amazing year!I am going to end this post with an interesting and insightful video by Mallika Chopra, Deepak Chopra's daughter, on the subject of intention. She remembers growing up and saying this every night before going to bed:
"I am responsible for what I see, I choose the feelings I experience and set the goals that I will achieve; and everything that seems to happen to me, I ask for and receive as I have asked."

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22Yvwb8wvWQ] Please let me know about your intentions for 2013.  And as always, thank you for stopping by, I appreciate it. 




Cultivating Gratitude