"When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”

- Maya Angelou

I am so incredibly grateful and feel so blessed!  I had the most amazingly wonderful day yesterday!  First thing in the morning, I woke up to an email from my agent, Owen Burnham.  He wrote to tell me that he has two publishers interested in publishing my book, A Woman's Guide to Transformation!  He and I will discuss the contracts and decide on the best publisher soon.  I will have a contract and a publisher before the end of the year.  What an awesome way to start the day! Especially wonderful because yesterday was the day that I hosted our annual Thanksgiving Celebration here in NZ.  I had 25 friends over for a sit down dinner, turkey and all the trimmings, sitting outside by the stream, under our spectacular Pohutukawa Tree.  A glorious setting to celebrate life and express our gratitude.  We did a Gratitude Circle first with everyone contributing (we even had Jeff in the circle via Skype!) and I was able to announce to my close friends that my agent has found me a publisher.  What a fantastic way to share my news.  It was a beautiful afternoon and evening.  I felt so loved and so grateful.  Truly a day to be thankful.This video clip is especially fitting, titled simply: Gratitude.  Enjoy! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=gXDMoiEkyuQ&vq=medium] Please share what you are grateful for this year.  I would love to hear your stories.  And as always, thank you for stopping by, I appreciate it.   


Cultivating Gratitude


Keeping things in perspective . . .