What are your First World Problems?
"If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry."
I was on Skype last night with my husband Jeff, who as I wrote in my last post, is in Borneo for a year. And I got so frustrated by the quality of the video on Skype, the picture was fuzzy, we kept having lag time, and the connection kept cutting out. I finally gave up and went to bed. I woke up this morning and was emailing Jeff, and I realized - as I sat in my warm bed and looked out the window at the rain falling, as I sipped my hot tea and used the amazing technology to communicate with my husband so far away - that complaining about the quality of our skype call is such a First World Problem!And so fittingly, about 10 minutes later, as I was reading Common Dreams, I found this series of ads that I have attached below called First World Problems. This wonderful series of ads was created by Water is Life. So powerful!As the Dalai Lama says: If a problem is fixable, if you can do something about it, there is no need to worry. We can do something about this problem. If you can - donate! There are so many organizations out there trying to help: Water is Life, Charity Water, Water.Org to name just a few. I googled donating for water and got over 75,000 results. And if you can't donate, then send this video to your friends and raise awareness. Each of us can make a difference![youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxyhfiCO_XQ&list=PLNefYveISOJn-0MLwPYoAyS1ssiDXGKi2&feature=plcp] What's your first world problem? Thank you for visiting, I appreciate it.