Want happiness? Change your Attitude!

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. ."

- Maya Angelou

Earlier this week, a fellow blogger put out a challenge for a few of us to write some posts on Happiness:http://margekatherine.com/2012/05/09/happiness-care-to-share/This isn't a tough challenge for me - those of you who have followed my blog know that this is one of my favorite topics.There are so many things that make me happy . . . so many things make me unhappy too - but what I've come to notice is that more often than not, it's my attitude that is affecting my happiness level.  I love Maya Angelou's quote above - the only thing I can really change is my attitude.This fantastic video emphasizes three things:Attitude, Awareness and AuthenticitySuperb! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPE0G00XFV0] Please let me know what you thought of Neil Pasricha's video.  And as always, thank you for visiting my blog.  I appreciate it. 


Life's too short not to be happy!

